How to enjoy from meditation?
Dada shares the advice of an experienced meditation teacher on how to achieve higher states of mind during your practice.
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The mantra at the end of the video is " Baba Nam Kevalam". Baba means "my most beloved One," Nam means "name of" or "to identify with," and Kevalam means "only." So the meaning of the mantra is "My most Beloved is the only One." You can find the full version of the recording here:
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Thanks for this channel. Meditation is the one of the reasons I post a video every single day and follow my Life Purpose and passions! Thank you! 🙏
Thank you swami ji for this awesome advice🙏.
God bless you, I did 20 mins today laying down with my eyes closed in the dark on my bed meditating with a still mind and steady slow breath. I can feel the energy vibrating thru my feet!
Guerilla93 I have to lay down too…if I sit up then my mind constantly wonders to just how uncomfortable I am lol
Jen K 💜🌱✌️🌱🤔Its Good If you aware what kind off Energy you let true Movies in your House and what you Concentrate on??You don’t need to be a Judge an your self,you don’t need perfection.Jest watch what comes and gos, as clouds come and go!Or Concentrate an Breathing in,and slowly Breathing out 💜🌱👍👍🌱✌️✌️
Jen K uncomfortable to sit/uncomfortable in the body. Find the comfort in any situation and not seek for an alternative. For the sufferer does not exist.
Visfoll oooooh-Kay lol
@Visfoll That’s some wisdom
Thank you Dada. So beautifully and simply explained. Not so easy to explain to the non-meditators how to get into meditation.
“And when you enjoy want to do meditation “
Thanks Dada, meditation is the best thing that ever happened to me, can’t explain in words the joy I feel in meditation, it’s simply blissful.
I have noticed in meditation that when my mind is thinking, my breath becomes more active. When I notice that I am thinking, I re-focus on the breath and both mind and respiration become calm again. It is easier to control the breath than it is to control the mind, so might as well start with the breath. Namaste 🙂
Yes, there is a very close connection between the breath and the state of the mind, therefore by controlling the breath we control the mind, and by controlling the mind we slow down the breath.
So count breaths
Beautifully explained … 🙏
Meditation is not about trying to control or maintain preferred states, rather to not be affected or controlled by any states or conditions, meditation is not a doing or action, it is a label that describes a natural state of being 🙏🏽
Wow……couldn’t have put it better myself 🙏🏽
Absolute truth brother, meditation is a label pointing to a natural state of being not an action or doing, formal meditation and other practices you spoke of are essentially like stabilisers on a bicycle, once you have learnt balance and harmony with what is, there is no need for stabilisers anymore, when you go beyond mind you experience the awareness that allows all phenomena to manifest, when the transition is made from thinker to observer and when one identifies and operates from this observer or awareness the rest takes care for itself,
It would be lovely to talk to one day brother green dragon 🙏🏽
I understand everything brother, mooji’s ashram in Portugal is run like a cult and he sleeps with he’s female followers, but hey, I don’t follow or idealise or worship people today, if a teaching is conveyed, I receive and implement that message to my life and experiences and see where it fits,
If I was poisoned by a snake and you had the antidote, I wouldn’t refuse it based on your moral standing, I’ve been on retreats with Thai Buddhist monks from the forest tradition and found them very anti-social and seem to be running or hiding from life, but each to their own, you see the very notion of a spiritual life is just another illusory created identity, there is no such thing as spiritual, freedom, enlightenment, peace or Samahdi, the mind creates these labels that need dualism, searching and seeking to survive, when you operate from the observer as opposed to the thinker, you see through the walls of illusion of these labels and identities and you remain in harmony with what is, hope you’re enjoying Cambodia brother 🙏🏽
Awesome! Thank yours for spreading your light. I do my best as well; I find it to be my duty to tell everyone about the magic within. Once you experience meditation, you can’t help it but tell everyone to try it.
Agreement, TY
This is my experienced, when I focused more on breathing, the movement became stiff and mechanical. When I focused on not moving any part of my body the body and mind flow was more natural and relaxed
Try to focus on mantra sound and the ideation of the mantra
Superb , thank you.
Just sit & sit & sit & sit…. closed eyes.
In my opinion meditation is opposite of sleep.
In sleep all our senses are sleeping.
In meditation we have to sit & put our senses to sleep.
Thank you
Love from India
Glad to see meditation spreading like fire
I like the point he makes about not losing time with meditation but gaining time. I know from experience that when I am scattered and unfocused I end up wasting days, months and even years.
It can’t be given. One must search for everything and when found the search begins. One can say patience everyday and never find it. We all need patience with ourselves. We didn’t lose our patience in one sitting. Wishing nothing but good for you.
I’ve watched tens and tens of meditation videos on here and this is by far the best one, at least as far as addressing restlessness and expectancy of a particular “state” during meditation, which gets in the way of us just being present unconditionally. Great vid thanks for sharing. Namaskar
Yesss!! I just sat out on my dock and the more I just sat and emptied my mind and the more I sat motionless and the more I did the better I felt. Thank you 🙏🏼 🌈
The blissfulness in meditation is so addictive. 😹
You are wise beyond your years 🙏🏿
Actually, I was going to write this to someone who wrote several posts in this clip but chooses to write so that others read as well:
I know that it been a year now since you wrote this, advice.
What you see is what you get, walking the path is understanding among many other character traits humility, if it is found in words but not in action then it is negative energy that is spread how much other wants to appear as “smart” in the path of life.
Learn that there are so-called trolls here on such sites who have a agenda with this, it is your way your choices but I advise you and EVERYONE else to TOTALLY STOP discussing with these because these need to end up even more out in the cold they need to be crushed and they crush themselves, then do not take part of their poison on their dark path, they will soon connect with us after they have gone down on their knees and asked for guidance, these are high 3d creations that are on to be degraded to low 3d and soon into 2d but not our problem.
NAMASTE, if one do not know what this does, you are not in the heart, yet.
And to you trolls, you sink your own ship and it is FULLY fair the inner consciousness that drives you because you choose it.
You and you alone sow and reap in DETAIL not as you want because there are already finished answers/solutions to every thought you identity with.
No need to reply, don’t answer just sending.
Brother in video i love you because i love my self💜🙏🏻 and was loved when i was created thru unconditionally love, how about that.
Everything is PERFECT!
Namaskaram yogiji🌟.. Ur voice tells about u that u r divine soul.. ❤