#Meditation #GuidedMeditation #FullMoon
Within this meditation, I’ll guide you to ground each chakra and let go of anyone else’s energy or any discomfort you may be holding within your energetic field. Next, with the assistance of the Earth & Moon, I’ll guide you to fill in with high vibrating Earth & Cosmic Energy to activate to your fullest potential under the June Full Moon 🌝
Thank you for allowing me, Crystal Heinemann of The Psychic Soul to take you on a guided meditation journey during the June Super Full Moon of 2021. It is an honor to create for you ❤️
This June Supermoon acts as an extra sort of magnet to draw things out of us that we’re ready to let go of. Especially when it comes to building comfort and stability within our lives. So if there’s anyone or anything within your life that makes you feel a little chaotic, unstable or uncomfortable; the energies of the full moon are helping us release these experiences, events or people for our highest good.
With that, the days leading up to and after this full moon may have us feeling a little chaotic unstable and uncomfortable. If these energies do show up for you during this time, it’s for you to recognize the discomfort and then let the experience or cycles of this discomfort go.
Of course! This is why I've created this guided meditation, so you are supported and guided under the celestials and here on Earth.
This is an easy and gentle guided meditation. Enjoy and please share, like, comment and subscribe 👍 🙏
Infinite Love & Gratitude ❤️ Many Moon Blessings 🌝
I follow Tanaaz from @ForeverConscious for her beautifully intuitive astrological forecasts and my meditations certainly have hints of her cosmic forecasts. I am very grateful that she takes the time to create such beautiful guidance for us all!
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I’d be honored to help you navigate through these times by being your teacher. Now more than ever…we need you… 🙏🏼 XOXOXO
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We support all Healers and their work! We believe in our global community and are here to rise and help others rise! Please email us at: Crystal@ThePsychicSoul.com
Thank you! 🙏❤️🙏 Blessings to all!
You’re so welcome, Sofia! Many moon blessings!
Wow! Every meditation is amazingly healing and unique 🌈
Thanks so much, Christina! This makes me feel so good! I set the intention to have them carry the highest frequency of healing and love. I also love that you think they’re unique, I really try!
Thank you so much for your very beautiful and deeply healing meditations.
You have the voice of an angel.
I feel grateful to have come across them.
What a blessing you are to this world 💚🙏x
Oh my goodness, thank you so very much!
I am beyond humbled by your words ☺️
We’re all simply doing our part ✨
I saw the images of physical structures or parts of structures just fall away from my third eye and crown. Crumbling barriers just falling away. I can’t describe it well enough but the release from each chakra was very effective for me, especially third eye and crown. Thank you for another powerful meditation. 🌕✨
I’m filled with angel bumps reading this which is always my guides indication that YES YES YES! WOW! I love this for you! Thank you for sharing! Personally, I LOVE it when my chakras are cleared and balanced, it makes such a difference in how I react and act in my daily life ☺️
I always look forward to your full moon meditations but this one felt extra special. Thank you so much for this beautiful offering. 🙏
Aw, YAY! Thanks so very much for your love and support ❤️☺️ I agree! I kept getting downloads in the middle of the night, so it was wonderful to actually birth this so I could get some sleep lol! That’s when I know there’s a strong message for the collective in it, happy you’re so tuned in to receive!
Wow! I’m just buzzing along, vibrating and feeling so balanced. This is how we all should feel all the time! 💕💗👍🏼💋💋💋. Thank you…….❤️
YAAAAS! Buzz 🐝 Buzz 🐝 Thank you Lunar Sister!
I am so ALIVE! I am a juicy, spectacular, rainbow colored, Divine Goddess at this moment, filled in, illuminated and powerful! Thank you, My Crystal!!! You did it again!!! I love you! Layla Lightfeather ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜🙏
Thank you so much for this beautiful meditation just what i needed 🌻
Beyond Wonderful!!! Endless APPRECIATION and 💕 LOVE.
Thank you! 💙 This was incredibly healing and much needed ✨
so much gratitude for your beautiful energy and for sharing it with the world, your meditations are so unique and always resonate! blessings, safety and love to all under this full moon 💕
I’ve never experienced something so beautiful. I was in tears. Thank you so much 🙏🏼
My goodness,This had me in tears!. Beautiful healing magical supermoon meditation, Many thanks. Namaste 🍓🌚✨
Thank you!! I absolutely love your meditations and groundings. Appreciation, Love & Gratitude! 🙏💫🌟💗☯️
That was powerful and healing as always. Thank you so much. 🙏💕
Wow 💜🙏
What a blessing, just beautiful Crystal. You have exceeded the bar with this glorious meditation. Just blissful. Much Love and abundant blessings 😘
I really enjoyed this meditation, thank you! It was powerful and healing. I am grateful to have discovered you and the work you do.
Thank you so much for this beautiful and powerful meditation 💕🙏🏻
Thank you all so much,much appreciation to each and every warrior,,,💘
41 minutes went by so quickly. This was so worth every minute. Thank you 🥰
EXCELLENT! This makes my heart so full! Thank you!