Want More ? Here is a FREE summary of Robert Greene's Art of seduction book :
Seduction is a game of psychology, not beauty, and it is within the grasp of any person to become a master at the game.
A seducer does not turn the power off and on—every social and personal interaction is seen as a potential seduction. There is never a moment to waste.
Seducers are never self-absorbed. Their gaze is directed outward, not inward. Pleasure is a feeling of being taken past our limits, of being overwhelmed—by another person, by an experience.
Finally, seducers are completely amoral in their approach to life.
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Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, and The 50th Law. His highly anticipated fifth book, Mastery, examines the lives of great historical figures such as Charles Darwin, Mozart, Paul Graham and Henry Ford and distills the traits and universal ingredients that made them masters.
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#charlesbukowski #poem
Yeah that thumbnail is everything 😂
You’re right😂
Got my attention 😂
Pineal gland
I feel like natural seduction, meaning, if there is chemistry and a connection, is one thing. And knowing exactly what to say, how to say it, saying to yourself things like “if they think about me when they get home then I’ve implanted myself in their mind…” sound manipulative and somewhat psychotic. In other words the fact that the seduction is calculated instead of it being organic is weird.
He basically telling you that there’s people out there who manipulate. He’s just an example
That’s not manipulation lol that’s someone who mastered seduction
Lol a low level
Actually that’s bullshit, some people don’t even like to talk or to listen, there is nothing you can do in some cases. In almost all cases it’s more about the other person than you.
His tips are true, but you have try with some people until you find one that likes being seduced by this games. Some are more interested in what belongings you possess, how people see you, your personality, your looks, what you have to offer etc
Welcome to reality
– KEY—> Get them to talk about their childhood
– Something that excites them take note and come back to it later
– Say something a little bit disturbing or strong to get them to think about you when they get back home…the art of planting seed in someones mind
Thanks for this
@Kit Kat For example u know that a person likes books and buy them a lot, but he/she doesnt know u know that. So just make a strong point out of the blue about why books are pointless …or absolutely necessary
Just letting people talk and mirroring them alone works well. Ask them a question and repeat part of their answer. They will be excited you asked and are listening and will like you much more
Ok mr. Pick up guru. Sounds like u get a lot of girls by just being an interviewer
Give examples
@Don zoe “How was your day”
“it was good a stranger complimented me today”
“oh someone complimented you?”
basically u repeat what they say in an open ended question type of way so they talk more about it
I did this unconscious for years when drunk and now i lost it.. that was my charm now that i think it, i was playing the man all the time. I mean nothing bad, just listening and agreeing like you said, not beefing and being liked by everyone and gaining trust so fast.
It’s quite spooky when you’ve just realised you almost do most of this naturally..
It’s not spooky it’s just a different feeling of something that’s unusual. 🙂
like I be questioning myself if I am really a narcissist.
am I tho? ’cause I’ve been like this since I was child and I thought that’s just how all people are. I only became aware of this through a yt recommendation I got last week and have been doing research ever since. not that I want to self – diagnose myself with such disorders, I just want to get rid of a habit I unconsciously set upon.
Haha yeah I’ve always naturally done this on dates and no wonder they always go well and I get positive feedback… Sounds like most dudes a really bad at dating lol. Lucky for me!! I just genuinely want to know about her past and relationship with parents to work out if she’s wife material…
@the thing I feel the same exact way
For me this the only way to have a proper conversation with someone, I don’t even use this as a way of seducing
Stay positive, work hard, make it happen.
Money, good looks, power, intellect.
have faith
Ok sir any tips sir
“Stay positive” may have a bit different meaning during pandemic 🙂
@All_is_lost just like a gta character
The only thing that is flawed about this is that person won’t treat you the same. You might end up in a relationship, however, they’ll never know you like you know them. It takes an irrefutable concern to get to know your partner or anyone really.
This tricks are to get fast in a trust spot with the other person, not only relationship, with friends too, friends are a come-go in your life, what you learn from the other is when it comes to do the decision, me personally use these tricks to have a better trust bound with the other, but if I listen something I don’t like, pretty sure I’m the one who can do something about it because I’m the listener, I’m not dropping my info and if I’m doing it is 20% when the other person is talking a lot more 80%. I’ve consider myself at this point like very social, so I’d try to come to a 60/40 where I talk more, knowing what spaces leave because someone who only listen and doesn’t speak in the end isn’t very attractive cause is talking to a wall, but socials skills takes time too!. Oh time…
This is so deep
Oo nice observation. Well… The little trick is… Never let it become too personal. And try avoiding psychological dependency.
I’ve been doing this since 2 years and it opens people up faster than you can crack a walnut. Warning: use this superpower wisely because once people talk to you about their childhood and they like it, they’re gonna want to do it again and again and suddenly you’re the unpaid therapist.
Another tip: a way to mirror people is to ask them what they just said but rephrase it a little. It shows you’re listening, and repeating their own words back to them makes them fall in love with you.
How do you avoid becoming the unpaid therapist?
@Jé ask for payment.
@Anoop Maurya ^ the only right answer
@Jé but serious answer, set boundaries. Tell yourself what things you wouldn’t do for a particular person of a certain rank. Like if they’re very close, maybe you can be their unpaid therapist. For friends not so close, you just gotta define what you won’t do and stick to it. You’ll gradually realise doing what makes you drain out and then, set those as boundaries
@Simran Bansal I see, thank you for giving a serious answer.
Just be careful. Trying to get someone’s interest is one thing, trying to control them is another. Some people pick up on these things and will not tolerate manipulation. You just might push away someone who could have played an important role in your life.
I believe circumstances in which u create ur first impression about different people also make a huge difference on whether they will stay or leave you…
If one can keep their mind open to opportunities that present themselves then they can become master of their lives.
Hard work only works in conjunction with right opportunities. You cannot force anyone to like u.
True true
Agreed. Some of this in the video could be counted as manipulation so use it wisely
Yeah yeah yeah
Mirror and get excited when they talk about something that’s meaningful to them, use the word “yes” a lot with a huge smile. I done this all my life but I actually do enjoy listening to most people. HOWEVER, if you are interested in getting into a relationship, the interest NEEDS to be genuine and LONG TERM! Which means you need to have a reason for interest. You need commons grounds e.g. shared hobbies and interests BUT more often than not, it’s usually sexual attraction that makes you interested. Because they need to offer something that you want otherwise the interest is usually not genuine and stops at friend level. This is why narcissists genuinely don’t have long relationships… Cos they need to be offered something e.g. a partner that makes them feel good and looks good to make them look good. Narcissists usually see the world negatively. Psychopaths’ on the other hand see value in using EVERYONE… So just be careful cos if you usually don’t get a long with people and then all of a sudden , someone is crazy interested in you, they probably want to use you. Girls get a lot of interest because it’s common for men to search for multiple woman while a woman waits for the man to come. This is also a reason why it’s easier to manipulate a woman rather than a man.
all of this doesn’t matter if you’re not the guy’s type and he’s set against dating you. These things work with the proper circumstances
No social tactic works when the other person’s prebuilt their idea of you, these things don’t work under proper circumstances, it’s just they don’t work in your circumstances
@Diesertan yeah, why would you find yourself in a conversation like that and how?
If you can’t make a sale one day, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make a sale to the same person later.
theres something called “setting the mood” you should learn how to do it…
This literally just happens naturally when you’re someone who hates pointless “small talk”
So do u directly ask such personal questions to someone u don’t know well?
I hate small talks(find it a waste of time) and I have a hard time talking to new ppl cuz of it but this happens to me when I talk to someone I’m really comfortable with
I hate small talk as well so usually if I’m talking to someone more than just passing by, I want my conversations to have meaning and be going somewhere otherwise my time is being wasted. So I actually will just straight up ask questions without hesitation. I think it has more to do with my autism, because sometimes I will realize I asked something personal after I have said it and then I will add a “if that’s not too personal of a question” Usually they say oh its not too personal and answer.
I hear lots of people hate small talk but why is it so hard to meet them in real life?
@bluemountain w prolly cuz this is something that one won’t reveal very easily in social settings
Nonconformist_ZH nah
The person who designed the thumbnail deserves a raise
I read Art of Seduction and practiced it most of my teen age. I turned 24 and was just consumed with work and life outside the University and became susceptible to someone who used one of Greene’s technique (isolation) to manipulate me so badly that it derailed my career for a minute. Looking back, I saw how harmless, flirtatious, persuasive, Seduction can be very damaging to the recipient.
It’s a tough, vicious, unrelenting cycle.
Now imagine what a sociopathic narc can do? This comes to them naturally but that is the thrill.
What is isolation about?
@Gustav Albericchi Du Rocher the person tries to make themself the only fun, safe, thrilling, place for you to be and remove you from all the comfort you had previously known. This may seem fun until they start to to use it to manipulate and control you. And make you feel crazy. But you’ve already been isolated from support systems so you just Gaslight yourself into believing that they’re doing what’s best for the relationship. When you finally get out, you’ll realise how much of yourself you’ve lost and how the relationships survival depended on them making sure you needed them at all times.
Ive been thorugh this many times. Its ugly if someone does this to you. It can take years out of your life.
@SXCKME.SIDEWAYS_ I now live in fear of giving vulnerability so I just keep away from people in any form other than friendship.
Learning how to engage and socialize is a very powerful tool. Being socially advanced is often more powerful than even physical power. When you can psychologically control a situation, you can control any person on the planet.
Mindfuck it is
Watch classroom of the elite it’s a masterpiece anime showing just this exact thing
Just realized I’ve been subconsciously doing this when I was still dating my ex especially when we get into deep wholesome conversations. No wonder we really clicked naturally. And when I try seeing new people it just does not work because I try too hard.
EDIT: I’ve reflected upon what my friends and I usually talk about. I kind of feel a stronger and deeper connection to my college friends whom I’ve just recently met compared to some people I’ve known for a long time but only on a surface level
This is exactly why I’m getting out of explaining myself to people and telling them all of my personal buisness like I did in the past because it usually resulted in them using what I told them against me and to size me up.
They always do
This happens. Toxic people become leeches, they would learn from you, copy you, stalk you to get one up and then as they get a little confidence, they size you up.
Tip: Always take a head start in things and be silent about it. Don’t tell your goals or what you’re doing to anyone even if they die asking. Silence is power.
True, don’t wear everything on your sleeve.
Just let out a juicy fart
This video perfectly describes how I talk to everyone in my life for the most part and it’s one of the most useful skills you could have because your able to have multiple people trust you and believe in you on a more deep and personal level which you could use to your advantage in a way but the trick to keeping this up is to never doing that person dirty or making them feel bad because thats what causes them to trust you less and it takes a a step backwards in that deep trusting relationship you want to have with them and if you never insult or judge that person they’ll stick and trust you forever knowing that nothing negative will ever come out of you or towards them(i don’t really know if that made sense I’m just ranting and putting my thoughts down but it’s a skill especially people my age lack that is very advantageous in life in general and people will only ever associate you with being a trustworthy genuine person which people are just attracted to in general)
Let’s keep it simple. If you hate small talk, you’ve already been doing this. I find it interesting learning what makes someone themselves. All of the life experiences, all of the bad times, the good times… I want to know. On another note, the eyes say a lot. I can’t count how many women have said, “Why are you looking at me like that?” While blushing. What I’m doing is saying something like, “I want you.” While looking at they’re soul. I promise they feel it.
Note: I’m not doing this to just any tweety bird that crosses my path. I am genuinely interested in who I pursue. At the same time, think of it like a game. Practice on those who you don’t want.
00.43 Giving attention, listening to people make them like you.
1.34 Find what exicites them❤🧡
2.00 Having similar in your life or atleast fake it, connects you with them
4.32 Very important to not do any wrong ❤🧡❤❤ 1) Talk less. 2) Don’t judge or be harsh on anyone about anything even if they deserve t. Be always gentle with warth & praise on people 3) Listen carefully, attend it.