In just 5 minutes you can reset your day in a positive way.
Special thanks to John Davisi for lending us his incredibly soothing voice.
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I may be 14 years old, but that was the most relaxing thing I’ve ever experienced in 14 years
same for a 12 years old!
Same for 15😬😬
Ye frr
@Will_Rocks1 My sister who is 9 has one. So i dont think its illegal unless its connected to a parent.
@nino yeah me too
I wish everyone the happiest lives they could live. You deserve it. You’re worth something, don’t ever doubt it.
Thank u, you too!! ^_^ made me smile
thanks so much
@Katherine Jarvis Thank you
thank u!
I just meditated becy I’m working out
To whoever’s reading this, thank you for taking this time out for yourself. You’re worth all the great things in this world. And the world wouldn’t be the same without you.
Hey thanks internet stranger. 🙂
Thanks same to you💕
Thank you for that, i appreciate it.
Thank you for that!
Hey stranger on the internet, I hope your days been going well. I know you’re probably going through a lot but I hope you are smiling and laughing more than crying. If youre feeling sad or anxious, take a moment to breath, and do something that makes you relaxed or happy or be with someone you love. If you want to be alone, that’s okay too. But remember that there are 13 million others whom have watched this meditation video and we’re all here if you need some help. May whoever’s reading this all find happiness and love in their lives <3
<3 thank you
A big thank you lots of love to you too ❤️😘
thankyou and you too
thank you, this warmed my heart
To everyone who’s going through a rough time, you got this!🙏🏼❤️
Anyone who is reading this, I hope you find peace after this amazing guided meditation.
Thank you for taking care of yourself ❤️
Absolutely an amazing thing to do just for 5 minutes, quiet frankly I think our world needs this.
To any passers-by!
Have a gorgeous morning/day/afternoon/evening/night!
Remember to be kind to yourself and to just take a break from time to time! Be kind to yourself!
I listen to this calming meditation every day, and I promise you that it is so relaxing and good for your mind! 😊👍
I listen to this every single day and it helped me so much. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for making such a calming guided meditation.
Controlling your mind is definitely something we all need in today’s life
people in ancient times in india used to do this for days and months and 100 times more effective than what we do because they made the meditation
@Ankit Shakya yes I have acctualy learned about it from gurukul students
I have been preparing for my entrance test since the past 7 months which is 7 days away, I have been studying for 10+ hours and my mind couldn’t take any more information. I came back to your channel and I feel like I’ve woken up from a long and deep sleep and I feel like my body is completely restarted. Thank you ❤
good luck on these exams , I’m pretty sure you’ll do awesome !!
@Nancy Abbass Thank you so much ! really means a lot.
@basudev nayak np ^^ , only the truth here
all the best! i’m proud of you for having worked so hard <3
@tani that’s really nice of you to say that ! I wish you to be always happy…
I’ve never meditated before but this is the best thing I’ve ever done…. Was filled with so much anxiety that I started filling sick and remembered my brother told me to just start meditating when am overwhelmed and listening to this helped. I just felt how happy I was afterwards no anxiety at all.❤
No one can explain to other, how good it feels. Tears came in my eyes.
Agreed 💜
Me too ❤
Same here
Trio 😢
I was heavily depressed a year again and couldn’t smile during the ‘smile if that feels comfortable part,’ a year later and it feels comfortable to smile and even continue smiling while watching this video. Thank you for gifting me this meditation video that has gotten me through some of the hardest stages of my life I’ve experienced. I hope this video gives everyone a chance to breathe and maybe even a chance to comfortably smile again.
Good for you, for getting through it. I’m proud of you. I’m in the same place you were in, an year ago, but I know I’ll make it too
@Sana Yes you will❤❤
that’s amazing you are able to do that. it was hard work i’m sure to get to that state but you did and you should give urself credit for that. for showing up for yourself time and time again because you were sick of the suffering, you wanted peace. you are getting closer. as a complete stranger i understand what you feel and i am proud of you. it brings me joy to know that you have improved your life in a positive way. lots of love from one stranger to another ❤
I’m gonna practice this and possibly longer meditation times daily from now on. It’s so soothing and helps me to not stress about school, chores or personal goals. I think this will be really beneficial for me, congrats to anyone else doing this, self care is important.
I had to do an essay in school, I just finished it actually, and meditation is actually really good for you! it can improve overall mental heath and boost your immune system!
feels so good listening to this meditation 🧘♀️. People who are anxious due to their relationships please know that relationships are a part of your life ..these aren’t your whole life. There is so much more to life
To everyone having rough time, you got this. Better days are coming soon 🙂 I wish you wonderfull day.
Thank you, you too ❤
I’m starting to workout. It’s getting stressful but I just come back to this meditation everyday day from now on. A new journey begins for me.