~ In this short guided meditation, Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche gives simple instructions for bringing awareness to the body, sensory experience, space, and finally to awareness itself. The main point of the practice is to fully embrace the present moment with mindfulness and awareness.
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Zen and meditation helped me walk away from the brink of suicide and this was one of the first videos I watched on my journey.
where did you continue? I’m looking for good resources
@Nansi Gordillo Silanes Namaste🙏🙏🙏
A.C. Jelly god bless
@Matej Bolta personally would recommend Eckhart Tolle. Much of his teachings is shared by buddhism and he finds a clear language to convey it
Mingyur, I believe you have prevented much suffering and saved many lives with this. Thank you for being in our world and our time.
When the world needed him the most, he came.
This is probably the most genuine and practical meditation I’ve encountered in my modest experience. There’s no breathing exercises, which undoubtedly can be useful, but seem to sometimes distract from the main point: pure awareness.
yes. I started my meditation journey with a Rinzai school (zen) who emphasised stilling them mind via breathing which is identical to that in Theravada tradition- you count in various ways or just watch it. The first years worked fine later I wasn’t getting anywhere. It was stopping me from entering a deeper calm, the natural dropping off just never happened as it was supposed to. My later zen teacher told me to stop it, there is no need to focus on breathing because it is not suitable for anyone, at least not in her practice. I feel like too many meditation practices, especially aimed to newcomers overemphasise on breath meditation. You gotta find your own practice, persisting on a unsuitable practice can be counterproductive.
@AYWyes you are right. That’s why the presence of the teachers is very important. They will know what meditation subject will suit us well. Have a good day.
I saw my father smiling in a lucid dream inside this meditation.
He was smiling and content.
We hugged and life made sense. Then just like that he was gone.
But he has been gone 4 years.
I think about him all the time.
The environment you created helped me see him again.
he is with you everywhere you go, he lives within you. everything is okay and has always been okay. he’s in a place of peace and comfort
@jake Thankyou.😊
That’s true ..Even I felt seeing my mother, an environment created as though I am being with her at the present moment..who passed away a year and a half ago… A very simple good meditation🧘♀️ 😇
I truly hope you find your peace. You will always have my love and support friend. I’m certain he is proud of you, whereever he may be ❤ 🤍 💙 🧡 🖤
True guys.
Suffering is the hardest way to learn for us all but character is formed and perspective.
Thx for the support😊
If you are sad, you live in the past
If you are worried, you are dealing with the future
If you are at peace, you are living in the present
Be at the moment, be at peace
Still the Mind | Embrace Calmness | Inhale Peace ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I love this saying!
That is wonderful saying 👏
I didnt want to open my eyes when he said to, i was in deep space, when i did my room truly seemed different. That was awesome!
my room did seem different too!
When I did this I thought it had only been a few minutes I look at the video when I opened my eyes I’m 10 minutes in
Glad you weren’t lost
@LA Montana that’s a cool way to think about it when i opend my eyes although my room was completely dark i could almost see the objects around and could almost illuminate them just looking long enough this was really cool
This is so powerful yet simple. Better than most guided meditations that feel forced instead of a strange kind of spontaneity that this guides you through. A very refreshing start for my mornings.
He talks to you like you’re a child. And I think it really works. Because the one that fears inside us is really a child who’s afraid of what he doesn’t understand clearly. You need to be calm to be clear. I wish you guys all the best.. we are survivors.
Mohan Brishnev I think he’s trying to say that we don’t sense what is right infront of us, and it betrays us. We should be open minded, and aware of our surroundings. We follow people who should not be in power, because we do not see that they are not worthy. We can easily just not follow them, what is one man supposed to do to many. Or something idk for sure, and i’m typing this at 1:20 am.
Mohan Brishnev Humans fear what they don’t understand. It’s a completely natural thing, instinct, if you will. If you’re afraid, anxious, wary, suspicious, etc, you are not likely to be calm. By “talks to you like you’re a child,” I believe it means he’s simply breaking it down into easy to understand instructions.
GameSlayer404 are you talking about the first comment or the video? Because the video is literally how to meditate. It’s not meant to be pushing politics or influencing ideologies or beliefs.
@The Forest Gremlin Huh that’s weird, I said that on some other comment, but now it’s on this one. I guess it’s from someone called peter torbay cause I replied to mohan brishnev about the original comments possible meaning.
to help us relax his language should be simple
To whoever is reading this, you are loved. You are blessed. Your dreams are manifesting as we speak. Time is on your side. Everything will work out in your favor. 💙💙💙
This was the first time I actually meditated correctly and it was such an out of body experience. I’m definitely incorporating this in my daily routine. Hopefully this helps with my depression and anxiety!
Good luck! I believe in you!!
@Jordgubbe Thank you!
@faye No problem!!
@magiccarpet I’m confused. Where did you get this from?
Hello, how you doing now?
Lot’s of love to all of you who are reading this! May your essence bloom into the world and produce a cascate of joy in every life you encounter! A warm embrace 🥰
I hope he knows how many lives he’s saved and how many lives he’s made better ❤️❤️
He knows! I appreciate that he’s never full of ego and still putting this great content out for whoever needs to find it
WoW! Just wow!! I’ve been doing my best to meditate for years. Tried many methods, also paid for some. The universe put this wonderful being & his teachings in my path a couple of months ago. I now look forward to practicing meditation. Mingyur Rinpoche simplifies everything, which makes meditation feel so easy. Beautiful voice & a great senses of humour too. He makes my heart smile & for that I am eternally grateful. I hope everyone reading this connects with him & lives their lives on through the eyes of love. Stay blessed, “let it be”. I’m sending everyone joy, peace & blessings in abundance. Namaste ♥️ 🙏🏽. Thank you so much for this upload. ❤️
The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness!
I wish you the same thing. 🙂
Why you need success is it money?
@INDIAN BOY success is different for everybody. Not always money.
i wish it to you too xxx
I noticed how many people here had suicidal thoughts. I’m one of them. My wife 34 past away from covid 20 March 2021 due to asthma and I survived it. I’m battling without her and miss her so much. I want to meditate to stay in contact with her. She is my everything and wait for me when my time comes. I wish everyone a blessed life filled with peace and happiness.
This touched me deeply I wish you well freind stay strong ❤️
May you be well, happy, and peaceful. May no harm come to you. May you encounter all inevitable difficulties with loving friendliness, courage, determination, mindfulness, and awareness. I wish the same for your passing partner. Their body is now resting, but who they are cannot be contained in any verbal or written definition. They are infinite. Love you both.
Thinking of you. Pray you get the strength to keep living the life you were intended to live. She is still with you, but would like you to be happy.
‘You won’t get lost’ just keep talking ❤️
Stay strong rob everything will be okay your wife is in a better place. If you are upset she won’t rest easy it’s life my friend god is with you
This man embodies a joyous childlike spirit that ignites a calm childlike state within you. Hehe one of the best guided meditations I’ve experienced.
Absolutely sublime! I’ve never had 15 minutes pass so quickly and peacefully. Thank you 🙏🏾
Been meditating for 3 years now and I still come back to this meditation. Beautiful
10 years ago I had never meditated in my life….. I watched this video and felt something so profound and real. Something I’d never experienced. Since that day, I’ve meditated for atleast 15 minutes a day. Looking back on it, this one simple YouTube video was the tiny spark that went on to change who I am and my destiny completely, I can’t thank you enough for this video.
Thank you thausrnd. TIMes
I just came back to this video after two years of meditation and somehow following his voice and instructions put me in such a zen state. Always good to come back to the basics
🙏🏻thank you🙏🏻namaste✌🏻
The more I practice this the more I learn. What a great teacher.
I used this video to introduce my 15 year old daughter to meditation; to help her cope with anxiety etc. We now meditate together with this video daily … thank you so, so much. 🙏❤️
An Update: Since Jan 2nd my wife has joined us and the three of us never miss a day now. She could see us changing (happier, content etc.) and wanted this for herself too. Thank you so much!? 💚🤗
How is your daughter now? Glad to hear it from you.
@Raaz Gupta Thank you for asking! 💯😊 She is much, much better as the meditation, combined with other coping methods (such as talking with us, lots of love, daily walks in nature etc.) really help her keep her anxiety down to a minimum. I think covid had a bigger impact on our children than we realised at the time … but with love, life and the sharing of such amazing videos like this one, we’ll be all okay. 🤗